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Even in ancient times, people knew about the benefits of silver for the body. Ancient Indians lowered silver plate in water for its disinfection. Russian Orthodox priests kept the holy water in vessels made of this metal. And only a few centuries, scientists have discovered the mechanism of action of disinfection water treated with silver.
Many people believe that to make water "silver" can put it in any product of this metal. However, this is not the case. Simply drop into a container of water silver spoon has no effect, since during this process the water must pass the metal ions, which in reality does not occur. To get the real "silver" water, use a special device - oserebritel water, which is also called locator.
Oserebritel allow to receive not only the water having a low concentration of particles of silver, which is suitable for drinking but also concentrate containing a much larger number of ions. Silver particles affect the 650 species of bacteria, which is significantly higher than that of conventional drugs. For example, the effect of antibiotics covers only five to ten bacterial forms. Silver has superior penicillin and biomicin antimicrobial effect. At the same time, the ions have a sparing effect on beneficial bacteria, making possible the development of dysbiosis often manifested with antibiotic treatment. Purified water causes immunosuppression, various allergies, toxicity, excessive load on the kidneys and liver.
In addition, at the present time not only regard silver as a metal, kills germs, but also as a trace element, which is an integral component of all living tissues of plants and animals. High biological activity of trace elements in vivo explains their Ilk participation in the synthesis of certain types of enzymes, hormones, and vitamins. Most silver-rich human organs are the kidneys, liver, endocrine glands, brain and bones. This trace mineral is involved in the metabolic processes, strengthening PIP' them in regions of the brain in half. It helps to increase the content in the living .tissue of the nucleic acid in brain function improver.
Modern silver ionized water provides for the use of ionic and colloidal solutions of metal effect which is significantly more active as compared with the conventional dipping process of silver objects. Some doctors believe that water saturated with silver particles can be used as a universal medicament. It is able to create in the body a kind of barrier, repelling various forms of infectious gastrointestinal diseases, flu, colds. In short, oserebrennaya water is very useful to humans. well water filtration system- best water system